Saad Rasheed

Software Engineer

Chicago, IL USA


As a Software Engineer at Indeed, my focus revolves around developing customer-facing full stack applications at scale. Currently, I’m deeply engaged with React, Java, and NodeJS, relishing the challenges they bring. Passionate about continuous improvement, I thrive on building, tinkering, and enhancing systems. My background includes hands-on experience in automation, embedded systems, and cloud development.

Work Experience


Software Engineer II

May 2022 - Present

  • Proficient in Node.js, React, and Java for developing RESTful APIs, customer-facing frontends, and scalable distributed data systems.
  • Automation Lead - Migrated legacy Jenkins automation infrastructure to serverless Github Actions suite which resulted in concurrent automated tasks, reduced build times from 25 minutes to 5 minutes, and centralized development.
  • Mentored, assisted, and helped grow junior Indeed engineers and an offshore development team.
  • Architected and developed customer-facing features for applicant tracking systems on Kubernetes infrastructure for millions (100k/min +) of concurrent requests.


Senior Software Engineer

Apr 2021 - May 2022

  • Skilled in utilizing Node.js, React, and Java to craft RESTful APIs, customer-centric frontends, and robust distributed data systems.
  • Built automated fault-tolerant tooling for SFRA deployments and developed HIPAA-compliant full-stack applications.
  • Scaled out a Smart City data ingestion pipeline while managing and developing multiple microservices in Kubernetes.

Motorola Solutions

Software Engineer II

Jan 2018 - Apr 2021

  • Developed encryption software and security-related features for Motorola’s next-generation radio, APX NEXT.
  • Developed software across multiple teams and countries, building solutions for cross-team development.
  • Architected and developed an automation pipeline for embedded devices, enabling automated QA, deployments, and testing.

Motorola Solutions

Software Engineer I

Jan 2018 - Apr 2021

  • Developed a security feature for the Motorola GRV Comparator using TCP/UDP protocols in C.
  • Architected and built automated infrastructure and tooling for embedded devices integrating Azure Gov Cloud & Azure Key Vault.


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

M.S in Computer Science

2019 - 2022

  • Relevant Courses: Distributed Systems (Cloud Computing), Parallel Programming, Theory and Practice of Data Cleaning, Text Information Systems, Foundations of Data Curation, Programming Languages & Compilers, Applied Machine Learning & Deep Learning for Healthcare.

Northern Illinois University

B.S in Computer Science

2015 - 2017

  • Relevant Courses: Data Structures, Algorithms, UNIX, Networking, Databases, iOS Mobile Programming, Assembler Mainframe, Java, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture and Systems.



  • Typescript, Javascript, Java, C, C++, Python, Swift, SQL, Haskell, HTML, CSS, Bash


  • NodeJS, Git, Docker, GDB, Spring Boot, React, React Native, Electron, ARM debugger, npm, Clearcase, Jenkins, Github Actions, Gitlab CI, Kubernetes, Helm, Terraform, Artifactory, Conan, PlatformIO, MicroPython, Jupyter, AWS, CMake, EKS, EC2, PostgresSQL, PrestoDB, NextJS, Vite, Vue, GraphQL, Apollo, gRPC, Mocha, Cypress, Storybook, SFRA


  • Arduino, PlatformIO, ESP32, GPIO, USB, Serial, RS232, SPI Interfaces


  • Experience working with encryption algorithms, CIS20 Controls, and OWASP Top 10


  • Building & Flying FPV Drones, Photography, 3D Printing, Chess


ESP32 Phillips Hue Controller

March 2024

Built a hue controller for my smart lights using an off-the-shelf ESP32 touch screen. Implemented LVGL to create a color wheel to select hue, saturation, and brightness, and templated scenes from the touch screen.

Clear Head

Jan. 2022 - Present

Building a full-stack application that centralizes your day-to-day allowing you to have a clear head. Features a document editor, file browser, kanban board, diagram editor, and more. Leveraging technologies such as NextJS, TypeScript, Express, Apollo, GraphQL, Prisma, and PostgreSQL.

SFCC-CI DevOps Fork

Jan. 2022 - Feb. 2022

Forked an established Salesforce CI tool to support DevOps work on a client project. Modified SFCC-CI to allow data package uploads through CI and successfully integrated the forked version with production changes.

Motorola YPG SCH

Jan. 2020 - Apr. 2021

Social Branch Lead - Innovated event strategies and transitioned seamlessly to virtual formats during the pandemic. Coordinated large-scale, in-person social gatherings, accommodating up to 500 attendees.

Causal Data Mining

October 2020

Worked with a team to develop a system in Python to analyze historical data and build graphical associations with historical events. The project is an open-sourced research project available for viewing.

Google Extension

Feb. 2019 - Jan. 2024

Developed and maintain a minimal note-taking application for Google Chrome, available for download in the Google Chrome Store.

ACM WCS Mentorship Program

May 2020

Mentored an undergraduate computer science student, helping with matriculation during the COVID-19 pandemic through virtual meetings.

Motorola Hackathon

Jan. 2019 - Apr. 2019

Technical Enablement Lead - Led a team to set up the required technical infrastructure for a hackathon, hosting approximately 100 participants. Enabled use of GitLab, GitHub, and cloud instances alongside proprietary Motorola hardware.

iOS Application

Dec. 2016 - Feb. 2018

Developed a social media iOS application in Swift 3 that allowed university students to sign up and communicate publicly through posts and images. Used Firebase for the backend and data store.

Portfolio Website

Dec. 2016 - Feb. 2018

Created a website hosted on GitHub Pages using HTML/CSS/JS to display my portfolio, work experience, contact details, and a downloadable resume PDF.