BeagleBone Black Static IP Wifi Setup

July 8, 2021


This tutorial is aimed at setting up the BeagleBone Wireless with a static IP address. Note, you must have a BeagleBone wireless that broadcasts itself over mDNS.

Getting onto the BeagleBone Wireless

Power your BeagleBone black, I suggest using the micro usb cable it came with. Once it's up, you can see in your network settings "BeagleBone-XXXX". You want to connect to it. The password is "BeagleBone"

After being connected you should be able to reach the BeagleBone over ssh.

ssh debian@

Setting a Static IP Address and Nameservers

The following commands are used to set a static IP address with the connmanctl utility.

sudo connmanctl
connmanctl> enable wifi
connmanctl> scan wifi
connmanctl> services
connmanctl> agent on
connmanctl> connect wifi_id_managed_psk # Replace this
# is the static IP address
# is the subnet mask
# is the default gateway
# is the nameserver
connmanctl> config wifi_id_managed_psk --ipv4 manual --nameservers
connmanctl> exit

Testing the Static IP

Congratulations! � Your beaglebone should be accessible on your network at I'd like to note that my home network configuration IP address start at 192.168.50.X so my wifi config was a bit different. If you need help finding out how to set it up, it'll be helpful to run an ip configuration command on the machine you're using.

ssh debian@


Recently Flashed BeagleBone

I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time trying to figure out why this configuration wouldn't stick after flashing my EMMC. It was because I did not read the documentation closely enough. Make sure to run this